Since the start of the Syrian crisis in 2011, the number of people living below the poverty line has soared to 66%, with an additional 170,000 Lebanese living in poverty in 2015 and an increased 20% unemployment rate according to the International Labor Organization. An estimated 350,000 Syrian refugees remain unable to meet their basic needs, while the same number of Lebanese live on less than 1 USD a day.
Medrar supports both Syrian refugees and marginalized Lebanese communities through the provision of food parcels and non-food items on a yearly basis in the areas of the North, Bekaa, and South Lebanon, where poverty levels stand at 38%, 36% and 32% according to UNDP’s latest poverty assessment. Medrar makes it a priority to support families living in underserved remote areas that for one reason or another are unable to receive any kind of assistance.
The most recent large-scale distribution took place on January 28, 2019 with the support of UAE AID. Medrar delivered 1,000 food parcels to a total of 700 refugee and 300 vulnerable Lebanese families (benefiting an overall 4,500 people) residing in Sur region and its suburbs.
In May 2019, Medrar has distributed over 5,000 food parcels to vulnerable families from all areas throughout Lebanon.