About Us

Medrar: the Arabic term for “Abundance”

Medrar is a non-profit non-governmental organization. Medrar's objective is to provide humanitarian and development assistance to the most impoverished communities in Lebanon and countries across the Middle East and Africa. Its success in implementing large-scale charitable projects was followed by its official registration as a non-governmental organization in 2010.

Medrar has supported over 250,000 people in Lebanon and abroad through the provision of healthcare, shelter, distribution, access to education and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services. Medrar’s work is focused on the short and long-term, direct and indirect impacts of human conflicts and war, ensuring that the most urgent needs of refugees and affected people are met in order to restore and preserve their basic human dignity.

Having a responsibility to contribute to humanity and serve the needs of local and vulnerable communities, Medrar inspires people to go beyond their duty and help improve the welfare of society. In 2014, Medrar acquired a presidential decree 11110 in Lebanon, classifying the organization as a public service NGO. Subsequently, in May 2015 Medrar was granted a consultative status at the Economic and Social Council at the United Nations.

Our Mission

Medrar’s mission is to provide relief and development assistance to poverty-stricken communities, displaced people and refugees.

Our support cuts across all sectors, promoting inclusive aid delivery in order to ensure effective and impactful interventions that meet the most pressing needs of vulnerable populations, while also enabling them to improve their quality of life.



Impartial Assistance




At the core of Medrar’s values is humanity; to recognize and respect the rights of individuals and their inherent potential and worth; to offer unconditional service and safeguard the dignity of vulnerable persons on the verge of poverty, while also protecting those displaced as a result of conflict and protracted crisis.

Medrar does not stop at immediate aid but also empowers communities to work towards a common greater interest and good. It is driven by the principle of impartial assistance, providing relief and recovery without discrimination as to race, ethnicity, religion, gender, political affiliation and nationality.

Medrar takes full and sole responsibility of its actions and decisions, exercising accountability towards both its donors and target populations while also maintaining transparency in all its operations.


Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity. It is an act of justice”

Nelson Mandela


Medrar’s development work is motivated by a community-centered approach. Through participatory involvement, Medrar gains a thorough understanding of local needs and identifies solutions alongside with relevant stakeholders. This process guarantees community acceptance while opening channels for network building and collective action.

Medrar applies best practice working tools in both its development and relief projects. It has set an effectual feedback mechanism system in order to inform its programming. Medrar carries out comprehensive vulnerability assessments, monitoring and evaluation, and mainstreams protection and gender considerations in all of its interventions.

Civic engagement is vital for empowering communities and bringing about social awareness and change, especially in a region like the Middle East and Africa, which has suffered from a long history of external wars, internal conflicts and instability. For this reason, Medrar has a robust volunteering program partnering with educational institutions so as to provide youth with opportunities to partake in community service projects.